Monday, November 17, 2008

Birth Announcement

It's finally here,
It finally came
It took us forever
To think of a name
Born on Thursday, November 6th, 2008
Weight: It's a huge "weight" off of our shoulders!
Length: It's been a "lengthy" process!
Time: It's "time" to sell, sell, sell!

We are please to announce the arrival of our simply adorable website, We are thrilled and proud to have created One Lil' Snap. One Lil' Snap was conceived a little less than a year ago with just a simple idea and a passion. After the birth of Faith, we knew it was important for Thuan to be a stay at home mom. As a result, our entrepreneurial spirit plunged in to action and the idea of One Lil' Snap was born. We figured out that by attaching a snap button to a headband, it could morph into multiple looks by snapping different flowers on and off.

Armed with our "crazy" idea, we set out on our journey of creating a company. We did our due diligence and researched our products, competitors, and market. Then we went through the process of building a "gazillion" prototypes. Finally, with a solid product in hand, it was time to move forward to create a website. After many months of hard work and support from our friends and family, we are finally seeing the fruits of our labor.

Today we not only celebrate the launch of, we are celebrating the friends and family that have supported us through this journey.

Thank you,
Thuan, Anthony and Faith

P.S. Just to say Thank You, please use coupon code "FF20" for a friends and family 20% discount. (Coupon code will be effective until December 31, 2008)